Message from
Top Management

By providing differentiated materials and solutions, AGC strives to help realize a sustainable society and become an excellent company that grows and evolves continuously.

Since 2016, the AGC Group has been pursuing an “ambidextrous management” approach that combines the maintenance of steady earnings from core businesses with investment in strategic high-growth businesses. The aim of this approach is to build a stable business portfolio that will be resilient to market fluctuations. We have pursued this approach as part of our efforts to realize our 10-year vision. I have expanded this initiative since taking office as President and CEO in 2021, and today we are engaged in reforms that constitute the second chapter of our corporate transformation. Specifically, we have redefined Vision 2030, and we are working on that basis to transition to an optimal business portfolio consisting of both core businesses and strategic businesses under a groupwide strategy targeted toward the continuous creation of economic and social value.

By keeping long-term viewpoints at the core of management efforts, we will accomplish corporate transformation and sustain growth and evolution, while elevating corporate value. I would like to ask all of our stakeholders for their continued support and understanding.

Yoshinori Hirai
Representative Director,
President and CEO