
Your Dreams, Our Challenge—Toward realization of economic prosperity through solution of the global environment and social priorities

When we talk about sustainability, we are usually thinking about the global environment. While protection of the global environment is certainly a vital aspect of our sustainability philosophy, our sustainability priorities as a business are not limited to the environment.

The AGC Group produces many products that play an essential role in maintaining the global environment and supporting society, including glass, chemicals, electronic devices and materials, and ceramics. Our mission is to ensure the continuity of our business so that we can continue to fulfill our responsibility to supply these products. We also have a responsibility to pursue our business operations in ways that contribute to sustainability of the global environment and society. To do that, we must ensure that our efforts to create economic value are compatible with the creation of social value. That is the focus of the AGC Group’s approach to sustainability management. We recognize the difficulty of this task, and that is precisely why we are so committed to the challenge of making dreams come true for people everywhere in the world.

Using AGC’s Unique Capabilities to Transform Social Issues into Value

The AGC Group's approach to sustainability management is represented by contribution to the realization of a sustainable society with focus on the creation of the "three social values" and to achieve sustainable growth of the Group and enhancement of corporate value. In light of the long-term social issues confronting the world, the AGC Group will turn those issues into value by leveraging the strengths it has cultivated since its founding, thereby contributing to the realization of a flourishing society on a flourishing planet.

Protecting the Global Environment and Utilizing Resources

As part of our response to the climate change problem, we aim to reduce our carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. We will also contribute to global environmental sustainability by using finite resources efficiently, and by expanding the use of recycled materials.

Supporting the Evolution of Cities and Mobility

The AGC Group contributes to the creation of safe, comfortable urban infrastructure by creating the diverse materials and solutions needed to drive urbanization, and the evolution of the info-oriented, IoT society, by pursuing innovations that enhance the safety and comfort of mobility systems.

Realizing Longevity Society Where People Can Live in Good Health

We are helping to prevent global food shortages by supplying materials and solutions that enhance agricultural productivity. Through our life science business, we are taking up bold new challenges that will contribute to the realization of a society in which people can enjoy healthy longevity by ensuring that people everywhere have access to safe, reliable pharmaceutical products.

Creating a Healthy and Secure Society through Connections

We identify issues through dialogue with local communities and our business partners and customers and work with them to find solutions. We are also working to maintain a safe, healthy society by protecting local environments and remaining alert to human rights issues in supply chains.

Generating New Value from Fair and Safe Workplaces

We see the maintenance of safe working environments and the prioritization of our shared values, such as Diversity, as essential to the AGC Group’s continual evolution as a truly global company. Management and employees are working together to maintain fair, safe working environments.

Disclosure of ESG information

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