Philosophy and Strategy
All business and social activities by the AGC Group start with our Group Philosophy, as expressed in the words “Look Beyond”. Our management policies and plans as a company are structured toward the achievement of continuous growth and evolution. In addition to our long-term management strategy, “Vision 2030”, and our “AGC plus 2.0” management policy, which are based on medium- to long-term perspectives, we have also formulated “AGC plus-2026”, a medium-term management plan targeted toward the realization of our vision.
The Group Philosophy and medium- to long-term management policies and strategies of the AGC Group

Group Philosophy
"Look Beyond"
AGC Group’s corporate philosophy underpins all of its business and social activities.
strategyVision 2030
Our goals under our long-term management strategy are to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through the provision of unique raw material solutions, and the achievement of continuous growth and evolution.
policyAGC plus 2.0
The “plus” stands for the additional value that we aim to provide to all stakeholders.
planAGC plus-2026
Our medium-term management plan provides a framework for our efforts to realize our vision for 2030.