Value Creation Strategy

Long-term Management Strategy and Value Creation Strategy

The goal of the AGC Group’s long-term management strategy is expressed in Vision 2030: “By providing differentiated materials and solutions, AGC strives to help realize a sustainable society and become an excellent company that grows and evolves continuously.” To realize Vision 2030, we will accelerate corporate transformation (CX)
In realizing this aim, we must simultaneously create economic and social value. We will create social value by advancing various corporate activities and providing products and technologies. At the same time, we will create economic value by improving capital ef¬ciency through the reform of business models and the creation of new businesses. Our ¬first major strategy in this endeavor is business portfolio transformation. The AGC Group aims to expand Strategic Businesses and accelerate growth while reforming business models and Core Business structures by “ambidextrous strategy”. In this way, The AGC Group plans to build a business portfolio resilient to market fluctuations with high asset effi¬ciency, growth potential, and carbon efficiency. Our second major strategy is the promotion of sustainability management. Accordingly, we conduct business activities while creating three types of social value through business activities, we will realize a stable ROE of 10% or higher.

Strategies and Systems for Value Creation

In line with this company strategy, AGC will increase its corporate value by having all relevant departments work together on everything from identifying business seeds to technology development and business.

[Technology development]
In technology development, we will determine the focus areas of technology development and formulate a roadmap in line with AGC's "business portfolio transformation" direction based on macro trend and market analysis. The "three social values" are the premise for searching and selecting specific development themes. We will extract and select themes that contribute to Blue Planet (realization of a sustainable global environment), Innovation (creation of an innovative future society), and Well-being (contribution to safe and secure living) from the perspective of marketability, social issues, AGC's strengths, etc.
These selected themes will be developed using Discovery-Driven Planning (DDP) to determine "what to stop, what to continue and strengthen, and what to start anew." By collaborating with business divisions at an early stage and incubating the business, we can expect to improve the success rate of commercialization and profitability.

[Intellectual Property]
In the process of technology development, it is important to build an IP portfolio that can create differentiation and have a significant impact on other companies. AGC conducts analysis using intellectual property information and non-intellectual property information. Through the formulation and execution of strategies based on business environment analysis, customer analysis, competitive analysis, etc., we aim to realize the ideal form of our intellectual property portfolio. In addition, ​AGC has introduced the Award System for Inventors to incentivize R&D members to work on inventions that influence the industry and result in the granting of patents.

At AGC, we are actively working on standardization with the aim of promoting business advantageous to our company. By formulation of the standardization strategy and engaging in rule formation activities from the early stages of technology development, it will be possible to form rules that confer a competitive advantage.