December 24, 2024Management
AGC to Redefine “Look Beyond” as the Group Philosophy
AGC (AGC Inc., Headquarters: Tokyo; President: Yoshinori Hirai), a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials, will redefine and update the AGC Group’s Group Vision “Look Beyond” to become the Group Philosophy “Look Beyond” effective January 1, 2025.
In 2002, the AGC Group established the Group Vision “Look Beyond” to mark the beginning of its integrated global operations. Since then, the AGC Group has been revising its content to align with the times, striving to enhance the AGC Group’s corporate value. In light of further advancements in business diversification and globalization, as well as changes in values of the people and society, the AGC Group has decided to update “Look Beyond” to clarify its Group Philosophy.
“Look Beyond”, which embodies the ideas of “anticipating and envisioning the future,” “having a perspective beyond our own fields of expertise,” and “pursuing innovation, not becoming complacent with the status quo,” serves as the guiding Group Philosophy for all business and social activities of the AGC Group. By having each member of the group embody this new Group Philosophy, the AGC Group will realize its envisioned future.
■ Overview of the New “Look Beyond” |
■ Revision Points |
- Media inquiries
- Chikako Ogawa, General Manager, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Division
AGC Inc. - Contact: Ishibashi
- TEL: +81-3-3218-5603