July 9, 2013Environment & CSR
AGC is selected for the Ethibel PIONEER Investment Registers
AGC (Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.) is selected for the Ethibel PIONEER Investment Registers, the one of the major indexes for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).
The Ethibel Investment Register was the SRI index created by NGO Forum ETHIBEL in Belgium. Based on the CSR assessment of Vigeo, an SRI research firm, high performance companies in terms of CSR aspects such as human rights, environment and business behavior are selected for the indexes which are periodically reviewed and monitored. In the revision of May 2013, AGC was recognized as one of the best companies in the belonging sector in terms of CSR aspects and is selected for the Ethibel PIONEER Investment Registers among 124 companies including 23 Japanese companies (note1).
In addition, in the revision of the Euronext Vigeo World 120 Index in June 2013, the new SRI index formulated jointly by Vigeo and NYSE Euronext (note2) to promote the responsible investment in 2012, AGC is selected as one of the global 120 companies including 16 Japanese companies.
AGC will continuously contribute to a sustainable society through its business activities.
- Note1: AGC has been continuously selected for the second grade indexes, the Ethibel EXCELLECE Investment Registers since 2005.
- Note2: Stock market group founded by the merger between New York Stock Exchange and Euronext.