August 8, 2024ManagementOthers

Internal Data Linking Function Added to “ChatAGC”, a Generative AI Usage Environment for In-House Use

— Aiming to increase employee productivity —

AGC (AGC Inc., Headquarters: Tokyo; President: Yoshinori Hirai), a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials, has added an internal data linking function to “ChatAGC”, a generative AI usage environment for internal use, and started operating it with expanded functions in August this year. AGC will improve employee productivity by developing business tools that can utilize both general-purpose generative AI functions and data related to its company's unique knowledge and expertise.

Example of using “ChatAGC” with internal data linking functions

Example of using “ChatAGC” with internal data linking functions

In June 2023, the AGC Group launched “ChatAGC”, a generative AI usage environment for in-house use, and has been promoting work style reform using this tool. In order to realize a work environment that enables more convenient use of generative AI, the Group has introduced RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generative) technology to link internal data with “ChatAGC". This link will allow employees to receive answers based on internal data from "ChatAGC" within the scope of their pre-granted authority, enabling them to use information more efficiently. Expected usage examples are as follows.


Usage Examples


 ・ Knowledge of past development, design, and other technical information accumulated by individuals can be included in the response results.
 ・ Sales information can be used to understand customer needs and get ideas for product development.


 ・ When problems occur, appropriate countermeasures can be derived from historical production data.


 ・ Knowing about developing services and products helps to reach customers quickly.

 Strategic Planning

 ・ Based on customer information and intellectual property information, answers can be obtained that are more compatible with the company's business activities.

The AGC Group has set " Promotion of Value Creation DX" as one of the key strategies in its AGC plus-2026 medium-term management plan. The Group will create new value for its customers and society by accelerating the fusion of digital technology and its monozukuri capabilities.

Media inquiries
Chikako Ogawa, General Manager, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Division
AGC Inc.
Contact: Nakao
TEL: +81-3-3218-5603