Realizing Longevity Society
Where People
Can Live
in Good Health
and healthy lifestyles
The AGC Group is playing a part in building a sustainable food production system by providing agricultural and eco-friendly materials and solutions. With the populations of countries/regions around the world aging, we are also taking on challenges in the medical field to achieve societies with long life expectancies so that people can enjoy healthy lives at all ages.
Addressing food crises
Tackling the challenge of developing products that are part of a sustainable food system
The world's population has topped eight billion people and continues to grow, especially in emerging countries. At the same time, the extinction of species and the reduction of farmland due to climate-induced droughts and floods pose a risk to food security. The stable supply of food is and will continue to be a global social issue.
The AGC Group has been addressing environmental issues closely related to food production and played a part in building an Earth-conscious and sustainable food production system by providing agricultural and environmentally-friendly materials and solutions. F-CLEAN®, a fluoropolymer film with excellent transparency and durability, was successfully developed in our chemicals business. It can be used in a wide range of applications such as reducing the consumption of resources in agricultural greenhouses and operating seawater desalination systems and food drying systems using solar heat.

Addressing food crises
Thoughts from AGC Group employees facing up to the challenges
F-CLEAN® is a fluoropolymer film developed in-house by AGC that autonomously controls solar energy. It is a product that addresses the global social issue of stable food production. Here we introduce the challenges faced by employees involved in its development.
Facilitating better health and longevity
Contributing to innovation in the medical field as a partner of pharmaceutical manufacturers
Lifespans are increasing, especially in developed countries. At the same time, there exists the threat of global pandemics from unknown viruses. We are now in an era with an increasing demand for higher levels of medical care, including a stable supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals, to realize societies in which everyone can continue to enjoy good health.
The AGC Group began its life science business as a contract manufacturer of low-molecular-weight synthetic pharmaceuticals using fluorination technology. Today the AGC Group has a growing presence as a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) for biopharmaceuticals. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic that has upturned the lives and social activities of people around the world, the AGC Group is working with drug manufacturers to end the pandemic by providing support for vaccine development and mass production of raw materials. We also entered the fields of gene therapy and cell therapy, which have seen remarkable development in recent years, by acquiring a European company that has a wealth of experience and cutting-edge technology. We have also begun making forays into new fields such as regenerative medicine.
To realize a longevity society where people can live in good health
The AGC Group considers the life science business, including synthetic pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and biopharmaceutical CDMOs, to be one of its strategic businesses.
We had originally set a sales target of 200 billion yen for 2025, but steady business expansion has allowed us to aim to top 200 billion yen in sales in 2024, one year ahead of schedule. We will continue assisting pharmaceutical companies, patients, and the public at large by maximizing the synergy of our business locations to provide customers across the globe with consistently high standards of quality and service.

Facilitating better health and longevity
Thoughts from AGC Group employees facing up to the challenges
Our CDMO business undertakes the development of pharmaceutical manufacturing and manufacturing process technologies on behalf of clients, and the AGC Group continues to support pharmaceutical manufacturers as a global CDMO. Here we introduce the challenges faced by our employees working at leading-edge locations.